Player Profiles

John Barber

Aliases: Barbs, Sweeney

Porthleven career stats since 1999
D.O.B. Nobody knows!!
Prowess Cutting Grass
Highest Score recently - 53 N.O. vs St Gluvias 2006
Best Bowling 3 for something
Debut for Porthleven Probably when it was formed!!
Greatest cricketing moment I'm working on it!!
Worst cricketing moment It's a long story
Funniest cricketing moment It's another long story
Cricketing Hero WG Grace of course
Favourite ground There's only one!!
Favourite food / drink Petrol
Favourite Actor / Actress Anyone from Allo Allo
Favourite music Anything classic
Hobbies Cutting grass
Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with The Fallen Madonna with the big boobies
Song you would like to be played as you walked out to bat The Time Warp

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